What to do when none of your friends has time for a board or escape room game? Well, you could play on your own and solve the mystery of Journal 29.
Today the television comedy-drama series Happy! premieres on Syfy. Based on the comic book by Grant Morrison and artist Darick Robertson. So I picked up the comic. And boy, do I not understand why this shitty Christmas story made the jump to the small screen.
Praise Your Pantheon 2017
The 8th of October is worldwide »Praise Your Pantheon day«. Mainly because I invented the day in 2016 and plan to make this a global thing. One year later it’s time for a slightly revised Pantheon.
Reeperbahn Festival 2017: Best Of
Another year at the Reeperbahn Festival. And these are the Top 7 acts I saw. Prepare to get psyched!
Tortuga 1667
Arr! It should have been an easy job as the captain of a seasoned pirate crew. Just steal all the treasure from a nearby Spanish Galleon. But ye can never be sure if yer crewmates are secretly working for the British or the French. Tortuga 1667 is a game of mutiny, plunder and deceit. But is it worth yer gold – or are ye better off with a bottle of rum?
Vinally Vinyl
In my early twenties, some friends tried to convince me of the superiority of vinyl. But I couldn’t be bothered. Fast forward some twenty years and I’m finally into vinyl. Who’d have thought?
Continue reading “Vinally Vinyl”
Paul Pixel
Another day, another apocalypse. Infectious zombies are taking over the world. Enter Paul Pixel. A man on a mission to … flee the city and hide somewhere safe?
Continue reading “Paul Pixel”
Ein Titel wie »Literatur!«, und dann noch mit Ausrufezeichen! Wirkt irgendwie schwerfällig. Aber »NEIN!!!!!!!« brüllen die Autorinnen im Vorwort – tatsächlich mit Großbuchstaben und sieben Ausrufezeichen! »Literatur ist toll! Spannend. Lustig. Interessant. Ein Abenteuer.« Dabei reicht doch schon die Unterzeile »Eine Reise durch die Welt der Bücher«, um das Buch in die Hand zu nehmen. Mir zumindest. Continue reading “Literatur!”
I never despised anything in comics as much as the first nine panels of Rebirth #1
So, after serveral crises, various retcons, universe- and timeline-shattering events here it is: DCs newest attempt to start fresh and different – and make sense of it all (but probably not). Continue reading “I never despised anything in comics as much as the first nine panels of Rebirth #1”